Southern Tamandua

Scirentific Name: Tamandua Tetradactyla
Conservation status: Least Concern

Habitat: Savannahs, rainforests, & mangroves
Length: 4 ft
Weight: 3.5 to 19 lbs
Life Span: 9 years
Gestation Period: 130 – 190 days

-With a body temperature of 91 degrees farenheit, they have one of the lowest body temperatures of any active land animal
-Some people living in the Amazon have been known to use them to rid their house of ants
-They can use their tongues up to two feet long
-They have knifelike claws on their paws making them walk on their knuckles or wrists
-When they are scared, they rear back on their hind legs, use their tail for balance, and use their fistfuls of claws to protect themselves